
Looking for Grad Roles

Available for hire
Focused on
Backend Development
Top skills
  • NodeJS, Java Spring, .NET Core
  • React, gRPC, Distributed Systems
  • C++, C#, Java, Typescript, Python, Golang
  • Software Engineering Principles
  • CI/CD, Kubernetes, Docker, Cloud, Web3
Main tools
  • VS Code
  • Azure/AWS/Firebase
  • Confluence, JIRA, Git Flow
  • Object Oriented Programming
I am currently a final year Computer Science student studying in Nanyang Technological University with NTU Scholarship and is expected to graduate in DEC 2024. (Current Cumulative GPA is 4.84/5.0) Previously from Dip. in Business IT (Singapore Polytechnic) and was an SP Scholar and graduated with as the course's Silver Medalist. Strong interest in Software Development (Backend) and Web3.
Lab Attendance System

Lab Attendance System

Currently developing a lab attendance system for Nanyang Technological University's School of Computing. The system aims to automate the attendance taking process for lab sessions and provide attendance tracking & management for students, professors and lab executives.

  • Next.JS
  • Typescript
  • PostgreSQL
  • Java Spring Boot
Concurrent Trade Matching Engine

Concurrent Trade Matching Engine

Practiced concurrency and parallel programming by developing a trade matching engine that matches buy and sell orders concurrently. The engine is able to handle multiple orders at the same time. This project was developed using three different concurrent programming paradigms, namely C++ (Multithreading), Golang (Goroutines and Channels), Rust (Async Programming with Tokio).

  • C++
  • Golang
  • Rust
  • Concurrency
  • Threads
  • Async Programming
Creating Bash in Java

Creating Bash in Java

Building bash from scratch using Java. This project aims to replicate the functionalities of bash such as executing commands, piping, redirection. Commands includes cat, grep, tee, echo, ls and more. Additionally, it aims to replicate the complexity of bash such as combining multiple commands with pipes and redirections such as ls | grep "txt" | tee output.txt. Additionally, the project was also used to learn how to test software comprehensively in a production level (unit tests, integration tests, mutation tests, system tests and more!).

  • Java
  • Bash
  • Software Testing
Freelance CRM Project (For A Temple Business)

Freelance CRM Project (For A Temple Business)

Working on a freelance project with a Singapore's Temple Business to develop a CRM Solution for their Ancestor Tablet rental needs with built-in solutions such as rentals, invoices tracking and accounts management.

  • Status: In Progress
  • Next.JS
  • Typescript
  • NoSQL
RaspberryPI Communication Server

RaspberryPI Communication Server

Developed raspberryPI as a communication server that helps to process and facilitate real-time communications between multiple devices such as Android Tablet (via Bluetooth), Algorithm Server (via IP Sockets), Image Recognition Server (via HTTP Requests and Flask) and STM32 Robo (via UART/Serial). Coded with Python, uses multiple processes to allow for parallel computation across processes and each process dedicated to sending/receiving message from devices such as algorithm server.

  • Status: completed
  • Python
  • Backend
  • Sockets
  • Flask
  • Concurrency / Multiprocessing
Sports Booking Website for Singaporeans

Sports Booking Website for Singaporeans

Developed a fully fledged responsive web application for finding players to play sports with in Singapore. Created with React framework and Firebase for backend database and authentication. Github repo-

  • Status: completed
  • React
  • Javascript & Typescript
  • Firebase
  • NoSQL Database
  • Github Action (auto deploy new changes)
  • Material UI
  • Typedoc
  • Software Engineering Principles
Restful API Server with AWS RDS (MySQL)

Restful API Server with AWS RDS (MySQL)

Built with Express.JS. Created a restful API server for refreshing my knowledge on RESTful APIs using different types of HTTP requests such as GET, POST, PUT. These requests are then processed into SQL queries which is then executed on the AWS RDS (MySQL) server to perform CRUD functions.

  • Status: completed
  • Node.JS
  • Express.JS
  • AWS Relational Database
  • MySQL
  • HTTP
  • RESTful API
Movie Ticket Booking (Console based)

Movie Ticket Booking (Console based)

This is a console based movie ticket booking application that aims to replicate the experience of booking a movie ticket. It contains functionalities such as booking and viewing movies available depending on cinema and locations. Staff can also change settings such as a variety of prices (e.g. weekend, public holiday etc)

  • Status: completed
  • UML & MVC
  • Java
  • Javadoc
  • Object Oriented Programming
Telco Data Analysis

Telco Data Analysis

This is a python data analysis project that focuses on telco churn prediction and customer clustering. Some techniques used in the project includes support vector classification, logistic regression, k-cross validation.

  • Status: completed
  • Python
  • Numpy
  • Seaborn
NFT Smart Contract

NFT Smart Contract

Developed a NFT Smart Contract on Ethereum based on the ERC1155 Standards on Ethereum (Built with Solidity). The smart contract is currently live on ethereum testnet rinkeby.

  • Status: completed
  • Ethereum
  • Blockchain
  • Smart Contract
  • Solidity
TutorsDojo (2021)

TutorsDojo (2021)

Developed a responsive web app tutor management software designed for private tutors, tutoring centers and test prep centers. It serves to automate manual tutor management services.

  • Status: completed
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Node.JS
  • Firebase
Singapore Poly's CET Analytics Dashboard

Singapore Poly's CET Analytics Dashboard

Collaborated with Singapore Polytechnic's Data Science & Analytics Centre to develop interactive web dashboards using CET data to obtain insights and make recommendations. The goals is to help the centre make analyzed and informed decisions, such as how to market their service to the right target audience (e.g. adult learners).

  • Status: completed
  • Python
  • Flask
  • Dash by Plotly
  • SQL Azure
AI Travel ChatBot (Versa)

AI Travel ChatBot (Versa)

Mobile application built with artificial intelligence named Versa. Versa is designed for language learners in mind, learning language via chatting with a chatbot. It detects speech intents and imitate real conversations with text-to-speech. The product also received significant positive intent from investors during an elevator pitch.

  • Status: completed
  • Machine Learning / AI
  • Text-To-Speech
  • Google API.AI
  • Mobile App
  • Gamification


Achieved 2nd-Runner Up in DBIT's Mobile App Challenge 2018. The mobile application challenge involved coming up with the most creative and feasible mobile application that help solve a real-life problem with a mandatory requirement of incorporating specific APIs provided by the organizer. The app uses artificial intelligence to help make health recommendations based on the dietary food intakes of the user. Some of the APIs to be used are LOCO API, Firebase API and Cognitive API. It also made use of advanced visual recognition APIs.

  • Status: completed
  • Javascript
  • Cordova PhoneGap
Twitch Clone

Twitch Clone

Developed using purely Javascript and ReactJS. It was a fun side project to try to replicate and create Twitch.TV interface and polish my web development skills.

  • Status: completed
  • Javascript
  • React
Lasers Computer

Lasers Computer

Web development project. Responsive website built from base using HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and AJAX.

  • Status: completed
  • Javascript
Mobile Phone Infographics (Design Work)

Mobile Phone Infographics (Design Work)

Designed a long-page infographic for easy information consumption on the statistics of mobile phone usage using Adobe Illustrator. Design is too huge to be fully uploaded here, do PM to see more of my design work in UI/UX and others.

  • Status: completed
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
Work history


Software Engineer Intern
May 2024 - Aug 2024


Software Engineer Intern
Aug 2023 - Dec 2023

Ernst & Young (EY)

Software Engineer Intern
May 2023 - Aug 2023

Champ Code Academy

Coding Tutor
2021 - 2022

Singapore Armed Forces

National Service Full-Time
July 2019 - May 2021

E-Commerce Start-up

Owner (Self Employed)
Dec 2019 - July 2019

Visa Inc.

FinTech Internship
Oct 2018 - Feb 2019
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